BRUSCHETTA Ovnbagt brød med hakkede tomater, frisk basilikum, hvidløg og jomfru olivenolie Oven-baked bread with chopped tomatoes, fresh basil, garlic and virgin olive oil Pris: 99,-
LAKSECARPACCIO Lakseskiver med hakket løg og kapers Salmon Carpaccio with Salmon slices with chopped Onion and Capers Pris: 119,-
OKSE CARPACCIO Rå oksemørbrad med rucola, parmesanflage, jomfru olivenolie, citron og trøffelolie Beef Capaccio with raw Beef Tenderloin with Rucola, flakes of Parmesan Cheese, virgin Olive oil, Lemon and Truffle oil Pris: 119,-
REJECOCKTAIL Med Rejer, Salat, Tomat, Agurk og Thousans Island dressing Prawn cocktail with Shrimps, Salad, Tomatoes, Cucumber and Thousand Island dressing Pris: 119,-